Patient Participation Group

The Harefield Practice - Getting Better Together

As a registered patient of the Harefield Practice you are invited to join the the Harefield PRactice Patient Group. This voluntary group is made up of patients and Practice staff and it aims to help patients to have a better understanding of the Practice, of its staff and their roles.

We also want to:

  • understand any problems encountered by patients in the surgery or through local NHS services
  • listen to any views, issues or priorities that patients may have
  • make the meetings informative and enjoyable
  • devise a questionnaire with the help of the group to distribute to The Harefield Practice patients                                                                                  
  • listen to any ideas or suggestions for the Patient Group

The group holds meetings regularly throughout the year at the practice.

The Practice is keen to extend the Patient Participation Group, so why not come along to discuss your ideas and hear about planned changes.

If you would like to come along to the meeting, or if you have any queries about the Patient Participation Group, then please Click Here to sign up.


Join our Facebook Group Click Here

Friends and Family Test Results


Summary Scores


Month   Positive Negative Neutral
May 2023   89% 5.5% 5.5%
June 2023    84%  16%  0%
 July 2023    90%  3%  7%
 August 2023    85%  12%  3%
 September 2023   86%  8%  6%
 October 2023    81%  12%  7%
 November 2023    92% 3% 5%
 December 2023    90% 4% 6%
 January 2024    82%  7%


February 2024   87% 2%


March 2024   81% 1%


April 2024   85% 5%


May 2024   87% 5%


June 2024   83% 4%



Patient Call Summary 2023/2024


Call Summary


Month Calls Inbound Average Queue Time 
January 2023 6979 10m
February 2023 6583 11m
March 2023 7615 11m
April 2023 6073 12m
May 2023 7033 12m
June 2023 6582 7m
July 2023 5794 10m
August 2023 5554 8m
September 2023 6151 10m
October 2023 6124 8m
November 2023 6176 8m
December 2023 5166 5m
January 2024  6254  4m
February 2024   5964 4M
 March 2024  6253  4M
 April 2024  6184 3M
 May 2024  6140 3M 
June 2024   4870 3M



January 2024 Click Here


Your views are important to us and we ask if you could please complete a short survey to help us improve our services.

January 2024 Patient Survery Click Here

Missed Appointments

A significant number of appointments per week are classified as ‘Did Not Attend’ (DNA). DNA means that the patient does not turn up for the appointment and does not contact the surgery in advance to cancel/change appointment.


The effect of DNAs is:

• An increase in the waiting time for appointments

• Frustration for both staff and patients

• A waste of resources

• A potential risk to the health of the patient


By reducing the number of DNAs we hope to be able to:

• Enable more effective booking

• Allow efficient running of clinics

• Reduce costs

• Increase productivity


Our current DNA figures

January 2024   158
February 2024   167
March 2024   


April 2024    226